Friday, January 11, 2013

Information standards quarterly: The future of library system

Information standards quarterly v.24, no. 4 (Fall 2012) features an overview of future trends in library systems.  In his introductory essay, guest editor Marshall Breeding refers to these next generation systems as "library service platforms".  Three general approaches to building new platforms are described.  "Sometimes you just have to start over", is an approach exemplified by ExLibris Alma and Serials Solutions Intota.  The "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" approach used by Innovative's Sierra and VTLS's Open Skies products approach change in libraries as a more evolutionary rather than revolutionary process.  Finally, "we are open" refers to open source software approaches such as Evergreen and Koha.

A narrative overview of features for the new systems is provided along with a summary comparison chart.  Articles describing experiences with some of these systems follow.

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