Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Open Bibliographic Data

Catalogablog reports that the Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data has a wiki to support their efforts. It's purpose is to:
  1. Act as a central point of reference and support for people interested in open bibliographic data
  2. Identify relevant projects and practices. Promote best practices as well as legal and technical standards for making data open (such as the Open Knowledge Definition).
  3. Act as a hub for the development and maintenance of low cost, community driven projects related to open bibliographic data.
A further discussion of open bibliographic data can be viewed here. Apparently, there really are not many sources of open bibliographic data -- but if you think about it, that's not much of a surprise. The Library of Congress data is free of copyright within the United States, but not outside of it. I think the thing is, it's not an inexpensive thing to make a catalog

Discovered through Catalogablog.

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